Poor oral hygiene or crowded teeth can cause bacterial growth in your mouth, which eventually results in cavities. Once a cavity is formed, it permanently damages your tooth, and the tooth needs professional treatment as soon as possible before the issue becomes untreatable.

Dental practitioners have been using Tooth Filling for centuries as a solution to replace decayed or damaged tooth structure. With the technical advancement, the treatment nowadays is more effective, aesthetically appealing and affordable.

What are Tooth Fillings?

Dental Fillings can treat tooth decay, cracks, chip, etc. They assist in restoring tooth function, stability and aesthetics.

Many types of fillings can treat tooth decay damage and other dental issues; the main types include Composite, GIC (Glass Ionomer Cement) and Amalgam fillings. Composite Fillings consist of acrylic resin and finely ground plastic compounds, which can be matched to the patient’s natural tooth colour and last a relatively long time. GIC Fillings release fluoride over time which assists in reducing further decay under and around the filling. Amalgam Fillings are made of different metals combined to make a strong filling that is used to restore the void created by cavities. Amalgam Fillings are more resistant to wear & tear and are known for their longevity.

Possible Symptoms indicating the Need for Fillings

You may need tooth filling if you feel excessive tooth sensitivity, tooth pain or visible holes in your tooth. During a regular check-up, your dentist will examine your teeth for these defects and, using X-rays to pinpoint the location and extent of decay, will then decide on the best method to restore the integrity of your tooth, which may include fillings.

Fillings are also helpful in improving aesthetics. With Fillings, a cracked tooth or natural gap between teeth can be filled to make a beautiful smile.

Any Alternate treatments?

Depending on the severity of the tooth decay, an alternate option may be to extract the tooth. However, this may not be the most plausible option.

What you need to know

How long the appointment takes?

The time taken for fillings can vary depending on how long it takes for the anaesthesia to take effect, how many fillings are required and how big the cavity is. Generally, a tooth filling requires one appointment only.

*Actual length of appointment may differ based on your circumstances.